One advantage of pencil baits is that they can be cast far despite being floating-type lures. These baits have their center of gravity positioned toward the rear and have no lips or other parts that create air resistance, which results in a long flying distance. This feature is the greatest weapon when you use a baby size lure. Another advantage is that you can search a constant range at 0 cm from the water’s surface in a very stable manner, where the lure can be seen by many fish, while creating an appeal of ebbing waves. In the condition where you must attract “fish eaters on a steep slope,” or in an upward inclined area at the bottom of the water, fish eaters are able to see a wide range above them. Accordingly, pencil baits that produce simple actions are ideal in this situation.
Pencil baits are most effective in casting into the “boil” that appears on the surface in early summer. When you see fish eaters chasing small fish and preying on them near the water’s surface, cast your NW Pencil without a second thought. If the boil appears weak, pause for a longer period. If the target fish is swimming rapidly as if to tear up the water’s surface, cause the bait to bobble. You can also intentionally cause a boil. In this case, use the Bevy Pencil, which creates more friction against the water. Throw the bait into a location where you see bait fish near the water’s surface, and let it skate so that it mingles with the school of bait fish. Then, several bait fish will flee from the school, drawing the attention of nearby fish eaters.
When autumn begins, dead-sticking (a technique of letting the bait sit for a while) is effective in the morning and evening. Be sure to leave your lure close along a wall or other vertical structure. Here, the floating posture of the lure is important. A water depth of 1.5 m can serve as a rough guideline. If the bottom is deeper, use the NW Pencil, which tends to assume an upright position. In shallower waters the Bevy Pencil tends to work better, because it assumes a horizontal posture.
Length: 2 inch
Weight: 1/8 oz